Practical Application of Tandem-Juleica. A team composed of skilled young animators and young refugees train together in a specially conceived Juleica basic course which contains some practical parts.
The practical-application of tandem from Juleica includes some classical and extended theory content. The new part is the practical period in the clubs and associations. During these practical phases the future mentors work in tandem to get to know the real associative work as a youth-mentor. During that period consultative meetings are organized as well as mentoring and coaching that add some quality to the learning process. At the end of this learning the participants set up some projects that could help to secure and make integration and participation sustainable for refugees as youth mentors.
During the year 2015 we trained 9 young refugees in tandems with 10 already active volunteers to become a youth mentor. Currently half of them are active in their associations. The rest of them had to leave because of life circumstances (relocation, pursuit of professional career, etc.). These free positions allowed us to take new volunteers and to make new partners in other clubs who are actively involved in the implementation or development of new small projects for the integration of young refugees in youth work / youth initiatives.
The Stadtjugendring and the Jugendwerk der AWO are supporting youth leadership through mentoring and coaching.
A handbook about the concept including the explanation of the different projects has been made and is available for free download. Other youth organizations of the region have expressed their interest in transferring the concept into their own work. This tandem-learning process will still be available in Stuttgart.